For authors: If you’re an author, we welcome you to submit your scientific research work as a double-spaced article in 12-point font with generous margins. Please specify the journal published by the Publication House (PH) in which you wish to have your article considered for possible publication. You can directly submit your paper to an Editor in the relevant field of your interest. Every article undergoes crosschecking for plagiarism using Plagiarism Detection Software and is subject to peer-review.
Your article should have a title reflecting the subject matter, an abstract of approximately 250 words providing a brief overview of the content, an introduction that establishes the motivation for the work along with its historical context, and relevant references arranged in alphabetical order. If possible, please include the 2010 AMS Mathematical Subject Classification and 3 to 6 keywords to facilitate quick identification of the paper for indexing purposes. You may provide a conclusion, future plans, and possible avenues that may arise as needed. Please also provide the affiliations of all authors along with their complete addresses and contact information.
Referees are appointed by the handling Editor to review a paper. They are required to carefully evaluate the intellectual content of the paper and ensure its originality and correctness. Based on their evaluation, referees may recommend the paper for publication in its present form, suggest minor or major revisions, or reject the paper. In all cases, they must provide constructive comments related to the presentation and improvement of the intellectual content of the paper. If revisions are suggested, the same reviewer(s) will review the revised manuscript. Authors are allowed to provide a rebuttal to the referee’s comments. Referees should only correspond with the handling Editor or the Editorial office in Allahabad and should not contact the author(s) regarding the paper under review. They must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript papers under review and refrain from considering manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest. If a referee is not familiar with the subject matter of the paper or cannot provide a report within the stipulated time frame, they should inform the handling Editor. Referees should also inform the handling Editor if the same paper is under review for another journal and recommend rejecting it on the grounds of double submission.
For Editors: Editors are responsible for initially assessing a submitted article and determining whether it is appropriate for the peer-review process. The Editor may also act as a referee for the paper. Referees are assigned by the handling Editor, and the Editor may consult with other members of the editorial board to expedite the decision-making process. The Editor’s decision on the suitability of the article for publication is based on the reports of the referees, but the Editor may assign another referee if they disagree with the initial opinion.
Editors must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts until publication, and they should avoid considering manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest. Editors should be considerate of the authors during the decision-making process and strive to ensure the quality of the work is of the highest standard. The Editor’s decision should be fair and unbiased, with no compromise on the quality and standards of the journal.
Publication Policy: Our publication policy allows authors to submit their papers either to an Editor in their field of work or directly to the publisher. Upon receipt, the papers are screened and then sent to an Editor for a decision. The Editors process the papers in accordance with our guidelines for Editors, and those recommended for publication undergo thorough local editing before being formatted to fit the style of the journal.
After the proofs have been corrected by our office, the galleys are prepared and sent to the corresponding author for any necessary corrections and for the transfer of copyright of the paper to the publisher. Once the corrections have been received, the paper is finalized for press. The corresponding author is then given a final draft of the paper and asked to make any further corrections within a specific timeframe. Once any final corrections have been made, the paper is considered ready for press.